Defending Lydia Collier
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- January 12, 2025 by White Phantom Games13#Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #v.0.17, #Development Log, #Update Progress, #Preview, #NSFW, #January 2025Hello everybody! I hope you all had a great Christmas and are having a good start to the New Year! Here are some more previews of the upcoming v.0.17 update, spoilers ahead! v.0.17 centres around meet... Continue reading
- October 25, 2024 by White Phantom Games11#Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #v.0.17, #Development Log, #Update Progress, #October 2024, #NSFW, #StephanieHello everybody, This week I've finished Bimbo's main scene for v.0.17, and I've caught up on a lot of admin stuff and completed several more pages of the walkthrough which is getting very close to be... Continue reading
- October 18, 2024 by White Phantom Games12#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.17, #Update Progress, #White Phantom Games, #October 2024Hello everybody! As some of you may or may not know, whilst I was moving office I severely burnt my hands with a glue gun and ended up in hospital and for several weeks was unable to do anything reall... Continue reading
- July 28, 2024 by White Phantom Games13#Development Log, #July 2024, #Update Progress, #White Phantom Games, #Defending Lydia CollierHello everybody, Just to let you all know I'm very nearly with sorting out the new office and most of the work has now been done, and also with the walkthrough. The Air Conditioning will be installed... Continue reading
- July 09, 2024 by White Phantom Games11#Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #July 2024, #Update Progress, #Development Log, #Dev Diary, #NewsHey guys! Hope you all enjoyed v.0.16.2 and have been having fun collecting the achievements! I'm currently doing two things at the moment: Firstly is redoing the walkthrough. This is taking me a whil... Continue reading
- June 29, 2024 by White Phantom Games11#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Bug Fix, #Achievements, #v.0.16.2, #June 2024, #Latest Release, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody, Here is Defending Lydia Collier v .0.16.2! Install Instructions for using Update Only files: To install update only files, download the "" file you need, then drag and drop... Continue reading
- May 28, 2024 by White Phantom Games13#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.16.1, #White Phantom Games, #Release Date, #Update Progress, #Development Log, #AchievementsHello everybody! I'm very happy to announce that Defending Lydia Collier v.0.16.1 will be released on Friday the 7th of June! Defending Lydia Collier's v.0.16.1 update will feature: The return of Vane... Continue reading
- May 14, 2024 by White Phantom Games12#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.16.1, #Achievements, #May 2024, #White Phantom Games, #Development Log, #Update ProgressHello everybody! Just an update on how the next update is coming along, and the last couple of weeks I've been focusing on adding in achievements to the game. I've got all the technical parts of it wo... Continue reading
- April 07, 2024 by White Phantom Games13#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #v.0.15.10, #v.0.16, #Latest, #White Phantom Games, #April 2024Defending Lydia Collier v.0.16 Update Release! This update adds in the final new scene of Sunday, featuring Lydia and Ellie! Change Log: Adds in 244 new renders featuring Lydia and Ellie. Fixes multip... Continue reading
- March 25, 2024 by White Phantom Games11#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #v.0.15.9, #March 2024, #White Phantom GamesDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15.9 Released! Please note, this is an Alpha update and it has not yet been thoroughly tested! Please keep your current saves in case anything goes wrong, and if you do enc... Continue reading
- March 12, 2024 by White Phantom Games12#Defending Lydia Collier, #March 2024, #Update Progress, #Development Log, #v.0.15.9, #NewsHello everybody! Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15.9 will be released on Saturday 23rd of March! The v.0.15.9 update will include: Many bug fixes, including all missing scenes and errors within the galle... Continue reading
- February 24, 2024 by White Phantom Games11#Development Log, #Update Progress, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15.9, #White Phantom Games, #February, #Jenna, #NSFWHello everybody! Here are some more previews for the next update of Defending Lydia Collier, which will be Jenna's update. So far for Jenna's update I've created an entire day out in London with her o... Continue reading
- November 01, 2023 by White Phantom Games13#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15.8, #Update, #Release, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody! Here is Lydia and Stephanie's big update! All the content in this update happens at Lydia's house on Sunday night if you brought Stephanie along, I hope you enjoy it! Change Log: Expa... Continue reading
- October 22, 2023 by White Phantom Games11#Defending Lydia Collier, #Previews, #Development Log, #Update Progress, #v.0.15.8, #NSFW, #OctoberDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15.8 News! Hello everybody! As I mentioned with v.0.15.7, Stephanie's big update will be releasing to Day 1 Access Tiers on Halloween (31st October 2023)! The v.0.15.8 upda... Continue reading
- October 02, 2023 by White Phantom Games14#Update, #Release, #v.0.15.7, #White Phantom Games, #Defending Lydia Collier, #September, #New Release, #Development LogDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15.7 Released! Featuring new content for Tiffany, Sophie and Vanessa! This update expands the scenes on the island following Tiffany's wedding, opening up some new variatio... Continue reading
- August 15, 2023 by White Phantom Games15#v.0.15.6, #Latest Update, #Update, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom GamesDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15.6 has now been released! Hello everybody! Here is the latest update for Defending Lydia Collier! This update adds in a thousand new renders, and new scenes on Sunday eve... Continue reading
- July 21, 2023 by White Phantom Games15#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15.6, #July, #Update ProgressHello everybody, Here is this week's development log for Defending Lydia Collier. As I unfortunately expected, I didn't get my icons made and now have a refund coming in 5-7 business days. It's really... Continue reading
- July 15, 2023 by White Phantom Games15#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15.6, #Development Log, #Update Progress, #JulyHello everybody, This week I've been finished the new Social Media coding, however unfortunately I've encountered a problem that's made me change my plans slightly as the person I commissioned for the... Continue reading
- July 07, 2023 by White Phantom Games14#Defending Lydia Collier, #Development Log, #Update Progress, #v.0.15.6, #July, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody, I hope you enjoyed the v.0.15.5 update and Lydia's new content! This week so far I've been bug fixing and working on the ton of coding stuff I need to change to fix the computers. I'm... Continue reading
- July 01, 2023 by White Phantom Games13#Update, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #Release, #v.0.15.5, #JuneDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15.5 Released! Hello everybody, Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15.5 is now available! This adds in the evening of Lydia's Solo Path, with the games longest yet adult scene and... Continue reading
- June 24, 2023 by White Phantom Games13#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #June, #v.0.15.5, #Lydia, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody, This week I've been working on v.0.15.5, which will be released next week on the Friday the 30th of June . This will be a small update that feature Lydia exclusively, and include all... Continue reading
- June 16, 2023 by White Phantom Games11#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Update Progress, #Dev Diary, #v.0.16, #v.0.15.5, #June, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody! It is very hot here in the UK, so I hope you're all staying hydrated and here's a visual reminder. Sophie and Tiffany scenes are very nearly done now, just a couple of bad early rende... Continue reading
- June 10, 2023 by White Phantom Games14#NSFW, #Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.16, #June, #Adult, #White Phantom Games, #Update ProgressHello everybody, This week I've just been continuing on finishing the island scenes that I've been working on. All the scenes are quite a lot bigger than they used to be, adult scenes are now generall... Continue reading
- May 26, 2023 by White Phantom Games11#Development Log, #v.0.16, #Defending Lydia Collier, #May, #White Phantom Games, #Update Progress, #Dev DiaryHello everybody, Here is this week's development log! Sorry I have missed some posts on some sites, as I mentioned here ( ) last week I ended up... Continue reading
- April 21, 2023 by White Phantom Games10#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update Progress, #Development Log, #v.0.16, #AprilHello everybody! This week I've been working on some of Lydia's scenes, and here are some previews from her solo route. Along with her solo scenes, Lydia will be getting other new scenes featuring Bim... Continue reading
- April 15, 2023 by White Phantom Games11#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Dev Diary, #v.0.16, #White Phantom Games, #NSFW, #PreviewHello everybody! I hope you all had a Happy Easter! Here's this week's development log, I realise I've missed a couple on this site so I'm sorry about that and will try and catch up here! v.0.16's pro... Continue reading
- March 18, 2023 by White Phantom Games14#Development Log, #v.0.16, #Defending Lydia Collier, #March, #Update ProgressHello everybody! This week I've been working on Emma's new scenes after finishing Ellie's solo route completely, and Emma's new content is just about done. Ellie will now have a completely new solo ro... Continue reading
- March 10, 2023 by White Phantom Games10#Development Log, #March, #DefendingLydiaCollier, #v.0.16, #Update ProgressHello everybody! This week I've been making some of the final social media bits and also finalising Ellie's solo path which is now done and features another date and an evening together. All of Ellie'... Continue reading
- March 04, 2023 by White Phantom Games11#DefendingLydiaCollier, #Development Log, #March, #v.0.16, #Dev DiaryHello everybody! This week I've been working on Ellie's Solo Route for v.0.16. I got a fair bit of feedback that Ellie's day was a bit short if you didn't go down the Lydia route and there was a hole... Continue reading
- February 24, 2023 by White Phantom Games10#Development Log, #Update Progress, #v.0.16, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody, So, I have some big plans and changes to announce for the upcoming update, I realised I didn't post here for a while, I'm really sorry about that, I thought I'd shared the last few we... Continue reading
- January 21, 2023 by White Phantom Games8#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.16, #DefendingLydiaCollier, #JanuaryHello everybody, I've now passed the 300 render mark for v.0.16, and I'm nearing half way to its completion. I've now finished an enormous scene for Helena and Lydia's scene with her secret friend. Pr... Continue reading
- January 07, 2023 by White Phantom Games7#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.16, #January, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom GamesHello everybody, Happy New Year! First week of January is the week that I always have to do all of my accounting and taxes as I take care of this myself, so that has taken up most of this week. Now th... Continue reading
- December 30, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#Development Log, #v.0.16, #December, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Dev DiaryHello everybody! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and have a Happy New Year! As I mentioned I had a short Christmas break and now I'm back and working on v.0.16 which will centre predominantly a... Continue reading
- December 18, 2022 by White Phantom Games9#bug fix, #v.0.15, #DefendingLydiaCollier, #Update, #ReleaseDefending Lydia Collier v.0.15 Bug Fix Hello everybody! Here is the latest bug fix for Defending Lydia Collier. Change Log (v.0.15 to v.0.15.2): Fixed a huge number of earlier bugs and typos. Added in... Continue reading
- December 11, 2022 by White Phantom Games9#release, #update, #v.0.15, #new, #latest, #defendinglydiacollierHello everybody! Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15 has now been released! Featuring Vanessa & co on the Island and Tiffany's Wedding, this update adds in four new adult scenes, including the longest yet... Continue reading
- December 02, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.15, #December, #Defending Lydia CollierHello everybody! With the release date set there isn't too much to report on, so here's a couple of final previews instead. Defending Lydia Collier v.0.15 will be released on the 10th December 2022. T... Continue reading
- November 25, 2022 by White Phantom Games9#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15, #November, #Release Date, #Development Log, #Dev DiaryHello everybody! Here is this week's development log. I've just past the 500 render mark for this update, and it will feature the longest adult scene in the game (formerly held by Bimbo Steph) with mo... Continue reading
- November 18, 2022 by White Phantom Games5#development log, #dev diary, #november, #defendinglydiacollier, #v.0.15Hello everybody! I've now completed 402 renders for the next update! I got slightly carried away with some of the adult scenes on this update and they've ended up being quite long, with two now over o... Continue reading
- November 11, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#development log, #dev diary, #v.0.15, #November, #Defending Lydia CollierDefending Lydia Collier Weekly Progress (v.0.15 - 4 & Previews) Hello everybody! Here is this week's development log and some previews! I've completed another 127 renders this week, bringing the total... Continue reading
- November 04, 2022 by White Phantom Games6#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.15, #Development Log, #Dev DIary, #NovemberGood evening! This week I've made another 101 renders! I can't really show a preview of these because there would be a massive spoiler as I stopped working on the wedding this week and I've been worki... Continue reading
- October 28, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.15, #October, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom GamesGood Evening! Here is this weeks development log! I've made 51 renders for the next update of Defending Lydia Collier this week. Progress is significantly slower this week because I've had to make all... Continue reading
- October 21, 2022 by White Phantom Games6#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #October, #v.0.15, #Defending Lydia CollierHello everybody! I hope you all enjoyed Defending Lydia Collier's v.0.14 release! I'm now working on the development of v.0.15. This will be Vanessa's Sunday update and feature Tiffany's Wedding and t... Continue reading
- October 14, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#Update, #Latest, #v.0.14, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #ReleaseDefending Lydia Collier v.0.14 Release Good Afternoon Everybody! Here is the latest release of Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14! This release adds 2,300 new renders, three new animations and Sunday for... Continue reading
- October 07, 2022 by White Phantom Games10#Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.14, #Release Date, #Development Log, #Dev Diary, #White Phantom Games, #OctoberHello everybody! Alpha testing is going relatively well and thanks to the team there are now a lot of bugs fixed, only a small few adjustments needed and I am now happy to set a release date which wil... Continue reading
- September 30, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.14, #September, #DefendingLydiaCollierHello everybody! This will be the final weekly progress for v.0.14 as the update will go into Alpha testing this Sunday! I've made another scene for Regular Steph this week as it seemed slightly lacki... Continue reading
- September 24, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#development log, #dev diary, #v.0.14, #defending lydia collier, #nsfw, #white phantom gamesHello everybody! Apologies, for the delay I got my days confused and forgot it was Friday yesterday, I thought it was Thursday. I've now completed 2,231 renders for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14, alo... Continue reading
- September 16, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#Development Log, #v.0.14, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Dev Diary, #SeptemberHello everybody, Here is this week's development log for Defending Lydia Collier and an update on how the progress on v.0.14 is going so far. Firstly, the render count. I've now made 2,016 renders for... Continue reading
- September 04, 2022 by White Phantom Games9#development log, #white phantom games, #v.0.14, #september, #dev diary, #defending lydia collierHello everybody! Here is this week's development update on the next release of Defending Lydia Collier, v.0.14. I've now made 1,757 renders for v.0.14, up about 20 renders on last week. "Why so few re... Continue reading
- August 26, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#DefendingLydiaCollier, #Development Log, #DevDiary, #v.0.14, #AugustH e l l o e v e r y b o d y ! Here is this week's development log for Defending Lydia Collier. It has been a very productive week, with 203 renders and one 216 frame animation made, bring the total to... Continue reading
- August 19, 2022 by White Phantom Games8#Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.0.14, #August, #Dev DiaryDefending Lydia Collier Weekly Progress (v.0.14 - 8 & Previews) Hello everybody! Another Friday, another weekly development log for Defending Lydia Collier. I've now very nearly finished all of Jenna... Continue reading
- August 12, 2022 by White Phantom Games6#Development Log, #Dev Diary, #v.0.14, #DefendingLydiaCollier, #AugustHello everybody! Here is the seventh weekly development log for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14. I've now completed 1,396 renders for the next update. Bimbo Steph, Emma and Samantha are now all finishe... Continue reading
- August 05, 2022 by White Phantom Games6#v.0.14, #Development Log, #Dev Diary, #Defending Lydia Collier, #AugustHello everybody! Here is the sixth weekly development log for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14 along with some previews. I'm now up to 1,279 renders completed for the next update, out of an estimated 2-... Continue reading
- July 29, 2022 by White Phantom Games9#Dev Log, #v.0.14, #July, #WhitePhantomGames, #DefendingLydiaCollierHello everybody, Here is this weeks progress report. I've now completed 1,100 renders for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14, of an estimated 2-3 thousand. In the past I've focused on completing all the r... Continue reading
- July 24, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#Development Log, #v.0.14, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Dev DiaryDefending Lydia Collier Weekly Progress (v.0.14 - 4 & Previews) Hello everybody! Here is this week's update progress. I have now completed 1,025 renders for Defending Lydia Collier v.0.14, and have co... Continue reading
- June 18, 2022 by White Phantom Games6#Release, #Update, #v.0.13, #v.0.13.7, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom GamesDefending Lydia Collier v.0.13.7 - The Story Update! Hello everybody! Here is Defending Lydia Collier v.0.13.7, the final update for v.0.13 other than bug fixes. Full Versions for PC/Mac/Linux/Android... Continue reading
- June 01, 2022 by White Phantom Games7#Update, #Release, #New, #Latest, #Bug Fix, #DefendingLydiaCollier, #v.0.13, #v.0.13.5Hello everybody! Here is Defending Lydia Collier v.0.13.5 - Regular Steph's Update! This update is the final major content patch of v.0.13 and brings the total render count for v.0.13 to 5,335, along... Continue reading
- May 16, 2022 by White Phantom Games5#v.0.13, #Development Log, #Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #DLC v.0.13Hello guys, I'm really sorry, I am going to have to slightly further delay v.0.13 until the weekend. There aren't any additional issues, the problem is creating the renders for the scene I'm trying to... Continue reading
- May 12, 2022 by White Phantom Games5#v.0.13, #Dev Log, #White Phantom Games, #Defending Lydia Collier, #Update ProgressHello everybody, Unfortunately I am going to have to announce a very short delay to v.0.13 to give myself an extra couple of days to make some more renders for a scene nearly all the Alpha Testers hav... Continue reading
- March 29, 2022 by White Phantom Games10#Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom Games, #Dev Log, #Release Date, #Reveal, #v.0.13, #Latest Update NewsHello all! After some careful planning and scheduling and leaving plenty of time for Alpha testing and fixing, I am happy to announce Defending Lydia Collier v.0.13 will be released on the 15th of May... Continue reading
- November 28, 2021 by White Phantom Games9#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #New, #v.0.12.1, #White Phantom GamesHey guys and girls! Here is the public release of Defending Lydia Collier v.0.12.1! Official Walkthrough is also now available! Change Log (from v.0.12): Over 350 new renders including new adult scene... Continue reading
- November 07, 2021 by White Phantom Games6#Defending Lydia Collier, #Release, #v.0.12 BETA, #Change LogDefending Lydia Collier v.0.12 (BETA) Change Log: Complete new day in the story featuring over 1100 new renders! As I mentioned, I've had a lot of trouble with this update and I very stupidly set the... Continue reading
- September 07, 2021 by White Phantom Games6#Audio Update, #Update Release, #v.0.11.3, #Defending Lydia CollierDefending Lydia Collier v.0.11.3 AU has now been released to the public! This updates goes back through the entire game and adds music and sound effects to all days to replace the silence that was the... Continue reading
- April 03, 2021 by White Phantom Games3#Dev Log, #v.09.1, #White Phantom Games, #Defending Lydia CollierDefending Lydia Collier v.09.1 has now been released! Change Log: v.09.1 BETA to v.09.1: Fixed multiple bugs that were reported. Fixed multiple typos that were reported. Added stat score increases to... Continue reading
- July 31, 2020 by White Phantom Games2#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #Bug Fix, #Download, #Free Download, #White Phantom Games, #White Phantom, #DLC, #v.06.1Hello! Here is the public release for Defending Lydia Collier v.06.1 Change log for v.06: Over 100 spelling and grammar changes from v.01 to v.06 A complete new day in the story, with 379 new renders... Continue reading
- June 07, 2020 by White Phantom Games2#Defending Lydia Collier, #White Phantom, #White Phantom Games, #Update, #Release, #Bug FixDefending Lydia Collier v.05.31 is now available for download! Change Log: v.05.3 Completes the v.05.3 update adding in the Lydia evening with 135 new renders. v.05.31 Fixes the errors with 3 characte... Continue reading
- May 09, 2020 by White Phantom Games2#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #New, #Update Release, #White Phantom, #White Phantom GamesDefending Lydia Collier's v.05.25 "Vanessa" update is now available! Change-log from v.05.1 to v.05.2: Adds over 100 new renders exclusively to Vanessa's path and completes her path for the day. Chang... Continue reading
- May 02, 2020 by White Phantom Games3#Defending Lydia Collier, #Update, #Release, #Bug Fix, #White Phantom Games, #White Phantom, #v.05, #v.05.1Defending Lydia Collier v.05.1 is now available! This update adds another day to go the game continuing the story of Defending Lydia Collier, and adds an evening with one of the main romance-able gir... Continue reading
- October 19, 2019 by White Phantom Games2#Update, #Release, #Free Release, #Defending Lydia Collier, #v.04Defending Lydia Collier v.04 is now available! This update adds Friday in the games storyline, and contains over 200 new renders including the first animated scene of the game! Also contains two small... Continue reading
- September 03, 2019 by White Phantom Games3#update, #bug-fix, #release, #Defending Lydia Collier v.03.1Defending Lydia Collier v.03.1 is now available! v.03.1 Change Log (Bug-Fix Only): Fixes error if you did not meet Stephanie on day one v.03 Change Log: Adds 360 new renders including: Lydia's first... Continue reading